My photos & experiences at the JC Fair

Out of the maybe 5000 total photos that i took, i have 1 photo that I consider my all time Favorite. It is 2 boys. i guess maybe they are in the age range of 10-12 years old maybe, they look alike, could be brothers and gotta be best friends.

My second favorite photo,  2 girls who were not camera shy. They were always positive and happy and really seemed to have loved the camera.

A photo, of the Nicest man I met at the Fair, and in many years as well. His name is Terry Manning. Loved talking with him.


  1. They are my nephews, twins. Great picture would love to have a copy.

    1. Kathy, email me and ill be glad to email you the originals. I have 3 photos of these 2 :)

  2. They are my nephews, twins. Great picture would love to have a copy.


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