It mods a 30 channel Bearcat BC60XLT-1 to an 80 channel!
A very simple mod, really, and Ive confirmed it works by doing it.
You just open the radio to the logic board is exposed. Under the microprocessor there is a number "1" printed on the board.
Below this number you see two solder pads.
Just bridge these two pads together and you got 80 chs.
Simply solder a wire across them or you may only have to drag a bit of solder across them to bridge them.
Thats it, now your BC60XLT-1 is a 80 Channel Scanner.
More Details
Find the number "1" written in a circle on the board in the left bottom corner of the microprocessor.
With a good solder station (max 30W) and without static electricity bridge the pins at the right of the number.
| -| UNIDEN |- | | -| xxxxxxxxxxxxx |- | | | | -| |- | | -o________________________|- | | (1) ||||||||||||||||||||||||| board | | Pins to bridge > ×× |
For models made in 2000, in addition to bridging pins 1 and 2 of the microprocessor you must also connect the two solder pads directly below pins 1 and 2.
Also, if you use this mod you will lose the 29 - 54Mhz band but will gain the 66 - 88Mhz band. A cleverly placed switch will allow you to turn the mod on and off to access both bands.
Instead of bridging the 2 pins of the microprocesser AND connecting the 2 solder pads, I ONLY CONNECTED THE 2 SOLDER PADS TOGETHER and left the microprocesser alone. This gave me the extra 50 channels AND left the original frequency coverage (29-54MHz) as it was.